Welcome to The Duality of Man, an original animanga role-play that features numerous supernatural creatures. Unfortunately, these various species have distanced themselves because of the war that occurred thousands of years ago, plaguing some with eyes that only see their dualism. While others meddle themself with their differences, two groups fight, each attempting to eliminate the other in for their definition of worldly peace. These two groups of the Terror Response Syndicate (TRS) and the Assembly of Phantoms (AP). With individuals fighting merely over their differences, it brings uncertainty to the outcome of this war.
We happily accept all role-players as long as they obey the rules and are capable of meeting our word count of 50. This does include those who are unfamiliar with this style of role-playing. The staff of The Duality of Man are willing to happily help those who are new to the role-playing world so they feel comfortable on site. Feel free to message the staff if you need help, they can be found here or in the site Discord and will gladly answer questions alongside calm concerns. If you have any suggestions we would love to hear them; guests may use the support board as a suggestion area as well. Should you decide to join, may I say welcome to the site and we all hope you enjoy your time here.
Yours Truely,
The Staff
Summer 2024
Heat has broken through into a glorious summer. The snow has entirely dried through the spring, leaving to the brilliance of the warmer months. Terror activity has risen as people are brought out of their homes, leaving the TRS in a position of consistent work. Each are attempting to maintain victory in the endless struggle for power.
Since the wonderful members of TDOM enjoy the site enough to play around on it, this thread is to assist with the site's tidying! Functionality is important and we want to make the site functional even if its activity will be minimal at best!
Tengo el más asombroso de los dolores de cabeza, sin embargo, ¡Valió la pena! En mi primera entrada, detallaré una forma en que alguien puede acceder a mi plaza subterránea desde la casa de arriba. Primero entra y gira a la derecha, al lado de la mesa habrá un libro. Tira del libro y el suelo cederá inmediatamente. Le sugiero que tenga una forma de detener su caída ... Odiaría que mis súbditos limpiaran la sangre. Ah, supongo que debería incluir algo de inglés para despistar a los menos inteligentes. O quizás no debería. No haré eso.
Después de frenar tu caída, estarás en la primera cámara de la sede subterránea. Continúa hacia abajo, presenta tus lealtades y podrás acceder a la mayor parte de la plaza que puedas. For my wonderful nobles, you need not follow this in the case you get your little hands on this book. If you are reading this, it means you have yet to complete your language studies. I will guide you every step of the way, worry not...
Recientemente he adquirido para mí y para el mercado oscuro un nuevo enviado ... un diablo que se llama Roami. Ella busca venganza por la muerte de su familia sobre sus descendientes ... qué causa más lamentable, pero comprensible hasta cierto punto. Así que la di mis servicios. Le doy el nombre de un descendiente suyo y ella los persigue. A cambio, ella servirá como mi guardia y espada de fuego.
Oh, sí, tiena la capacidad de manipular la fuego ... debería ser un gran contraataque para mi hija que aún respira. Cuando nos volvamos a encontrar, tengo la intención de traer a Roami conmigo como elemento sorpresa y terminar con ella allí. Convencerla de que mi hija es su descendiente debería ser un juego de niños. ¡Una tarea sencilla, si no demasiado fácil! Por supuesto que se dará cuenta de que estaba mintiendo y, lamentablemente, también tendré que matar a mi querido diablo allí. ¿Qué tan peligroso es el fuego si uno no puede alcanzar su objetivo?
La debilidad de Roami es simple ... pero esa chica es rápida, y posiblemente tan mayor como yo. Debo tener cuidado y, por ahora, seguir recopilando información sobre ella hasta que pueda reproducir sus poderes de alguna manera.
Oh yes, she is already wrapped around my finger, and dangling in front of the barrel of my gun.
Oh querido diario, ¿alguna vez has estado en una situación en la que la única salida eran las discusiones diplomáticas? Yo también, sí, estaba visitando un establecimiento menos conocido en Lorsette. Por supuesto que no discutí mucho ... en cambio, el piso solo discutió cómo sabía la sangre de los hombres del traje. ¡Déjame explicarte lo que hice!
En primer lugar, planté su propia espada en sus entrañas. Sus gritos eran tan acogedores, tan abrazadores, tan cálidos ... la sangre que salió volando me salpicó la cara, pero no me importó. A continuación, agarré sus suaves entrañas y las obligué a tragarlas por la garganta del segundo hombre. Se atragantó con tal júbilo que solo puede describirse como ... un bebé llorando, ahogándose con la leche materna. Me aseguré de que continuaran respirando con mi destreza mental, dejándolos sufrir allí en cualquier cosa menos en silencio ...
Y esperé ... esperé hasta que sus gritos se calmaron antes de proceder a quitarles las extremidades, lentamente ... todavía respiraban. Pasando a sus oídos, hice lo mismo ... y luego pasé a sus narices, dedos de los pies, ojos y lengua ...
I posted them outside their establishment as a warning to any who dared cross me. And guess what, my dear diary? None ever did.
Do not use drama to get attention in the chat. Nobody appreciates it.
No advertising, we have a perfectly fine board for that.
Please try and keep swearing to a minimum in the chat.
All chat usernames should be PG-13 and not break the ProBoards ToS or site rules.
A Chatango account is not required, but it is encouraged.
Please avoid spamming the chat; accidents are understandable.
You may use the in-character chat prior to acceptance.
Be respectful to anybody who enters the chat, including guest, fellow members and staff.
Guests may speak in chat at anytime to ask questions or get a taste of our community~!
resource sites
The skin is created by Wolf of Adoxography and Gangnam Style. The thread and conversation remodels are by Kagney. The Strange Reality board list, Heal My Soul info center, I Remember Now mini profile and Electric Requiem profile remodel is made by Pharoah Leap. The Who's That Member member list remodel was made by Tictactoe. The Cbox.ws Shoutbox remodel was made by Trinity Blair. All templates used for claims, information sheets, applications, etc are credited to their owners; credits for these can be found in the threads the templates are use on. Images that are used on The Duality of Man are credited to their owners, however, they have been edited by Zac with a few being edited by Chibi Magician. The plot, rules and various other information pieces for The Duality of Man are written by Chibi Magician with the assistence of her co-admins, Finnegan and Dremulf, alongside other unlisted people who were kind enough to give their input. The TRS, AP and face claim were all created by Fleur for specifically the use of TDOM. All plugins used on The Duality of Man are credited to their owners. The templates my members use are credited to their maker, if you find a template that belongs to you, but is uncredited, please speak to Chibi Magician or the member themself. Characters created on The Duality of Man are credited to their owners and should not be used elsewhere without the creator's permission.
Special thanks for the members of TDOM who make suggestions to help make this site better. Even though we can not accept all suggestions, we immensely appreciate it. Thus, we give credit to any additions that you thought of and were later implimented by the staff, because we are glad you give us these excellent ideas.